Histórica casa al borde de un pueblo en pintoresco valle semi tropical

Valle de Lecrín, Granada, Andalucía Property Ref: AP40
  • Doors
    5 Habitaciones
  • Sleeps
    Huéspedes 9
  • Poll
     Piscina  Piscina
  • Casa Ref: AP40

Una gran casa de campo tradicional que ofrece un alojamiento de buen estándar, amplios jardines y vistas. Granada, La Alhambra y las playas la Costa Tropical no están demasiado lejos. Servicio de básico de limpieza incluido y servicio de catering disponible bajo petición. Capacidad 9 personas.

Booking information for AP40

  • La piscina está abierta desde principios de abril hasta finales de octubre.

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 16:30h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

  • Esta propiedad requiere una fianza reembolsable de 300 Euros. Esta cantidad se debe de depositar al encargado a su llegada (metálico) y está sujeta a deducciones por roturas / daños, impagos de servicios (cuando aplique) o limpieza excepcional.

Changeover day AP40

  • El día de la semana para el comienzo de las reservas es flexible.

+ Información esencial para reservar AP40

Booking information for AP40

  • La piscina está abierta desde principios de abril hasta finales de octubre.

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 16:30h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

  • Esta propiedad requiere una fianza reembolsable de 300 Euros. Esta cantidad se debe de depositar al encargado a su llegada (metálico) y está sujeta a deducciones por roturas / daños, impagos de servicios (cuando aplique) o limpieza excepcional.

Changeover day AP40

  • El día de la semana para el comienzo de las reservas es flexible.

+ Información esencial para reservar AP40
Desde €394 por noche
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  • Prices are shown in the selected currency, but all payments are charged and processed in Euros
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Adultos (16+ años)
Niños (3-15 años)
Bebés (0-2 años)
Los niños deben venir con un adulto
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Casa Ref. AP40

Valle de Lecrín, Granada, Andalucía

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Una gran casa de campo tradicional que ofrece un alojamiento de buen estándar, amplios jardines y vistas. Granada, La Alhambra y las playas la Costa Tropical no están demasiado lejos. Servicio de básico de limpieza incluido y servicio de catering disponible bajo petición. Capacidad 9 personas.


  • Bedrooms
    5 Habitaciones
  • Bathroom
    5.5 Baño(s)
  • Beds
    Huéspedes 9


Internet WiFi; Smart TV (con Netflix); Equipo de música (equipo estéreo con radio por Internet); Muebles de terraza y jardín; Tumbonas; Jardines; Piscina privada y cerrada (8 m x 4 m, 1,70 m de profundidad).


Placa de inducción; Horno grande; Lavavajillas; Frigorífico / congelador; Microondas; Hervidor; Cafetera Nespresso; Cafetera italiana; Exprimidor; Batidora; Vaporera; Tostadora..


Lavadora; Secadora; Plancha y tabla de planchar; Doble aire acondicionado y calefacción (en todos los dormitorios); Calefacción / refrigeración por suelo radiante (en las zonas comunes de la planta baja); Secador de pelo; Cuna (bajo petición); Trona (bajo petición); Toda la ropa de cama y toallas proporcionadas (incluyendo toallas de piscina); Aparcamiento privado..

Notas sobre servicios

La normativa local contra incendios puede restringir el uso de la barbacoa durante los meses de verano.

Cada habitación tiene su propia llave..


Servicio de habitaciones incluido. Las toallas y la ropa de cama se cambian cada tres días.

El precio incluye 2 horas de servicio de limpieza (dormitorios y limpieza general de espacios comunes) todos los días excepto domingos y festivos oficiales.

Se pueden solicitar servicios de catering, cocina o comidas a la llegada (de pago en el establecimiento). Debe solicitarse y organizarse con antelación a las vacaciones.

Hay una sala de yoga y meditación a disposición de los huéspedes. También se puede utilizar para servicios de bienestar adicionales disponibles bajo petición, como masajes, reflexología, etc.


Planta baja

Recepción/sala de estar; Comedor y cocina; Aseo.

Primera planta

Dormitorio 1: dos camas individuales con cuarto de baño en suite (ducha); Dormitorio 2: dos camas individuales con cuarto de baño en suite; Dormitorio 3: dos camas individuales con cuarto de baño en suite (ducha); Dormitorio 4: cama doble con cuarto de baño en suite (ducha); Dormitorio 5: habitación individual con cuarto de baño en suite (ducha).


Amplias terrazas amuebladas; Patio trasero ajardinado con cenador amueblado; Lavadero; Piscina y jardín; Aparcamiento privado.

Notas sobre la distribución

El dormitorio 5 tiene una puerta que comunica con el dormitorio 4.

+ Mostrar servicios y distribución


Escondido al final de un camino privado, se encuentra este cortijo, una propiedad digna que ofrece un entorno elegante y natural y una ubicación ideal, a medio camino entre la histórica Granada y las playas de la Costa Tropical.

Está en su propio lugar, lo suficientemente aislado que John Le Carré eligió alojarse aquí cuando escribía su novela "El jardinero fiel".Una puerta de hierro desde el aparcamiento privado le conduce directamente a una larga terraza empedrada, que se abre en el extremo de la villa a un vasto espacio abierto y soleado, bien amueblado y con iluminación nocturna.

A la sombra de un pino carrasco gigante, se puede controlar el pueblo de Albuñuelas y las vistas se extienden por todo el valle. Aquí predomina un clima andaluz cálido y soleado, por lo que se pueden abrir las ventanas para que corra la brisa por las habitaciones de la planta baja, mientras que cualquier atisbo de frío se mantiene a raya durante el breve invierno gracias a los sistema de calefacción.

El alojamiento fue parcialmente reformado en 2022 con excelente gusto por sus nuevos propietarios. También se realizó una reforma a nivel energético para ofrecer un alojamiento con energía renovable poco contaminante.

Han creado un equilibrio entre lo clásico y lo moderno, dando como resultado un hermoso cortijo que es a la vez estéticamente agradable y práctica.

Se ha hecho un gran trabajo en la cocina, que ahora está magníficamente actualizada. Desde el salón se sale a una terraza ideal para tomar una taza de té o una sangría .... ¡lo que más le apetezca!

En el salón y la cocina, un nuevo sistema de aerotermia proporciona suelos refrescantes en verano y cálidos para los días más fríos.

Todos los dormitorios tienen un sistema dual de calefacción y refrigeración para controlar la temperatura, según la estación.

La excelente cocina está provista de abundante vajilla, ollas y sartenes, y se abre por detrás a un jardín trasero, desde donde unos escalones nos llevan a un cenador, en un patio plantado con romero, tomillo, rosas y una bonita mimosa.

De vuelta al interior, una escalera sube a la primera planta y a sus cinco habitaciones, atractivas y confortables. Los colchones son de calidad; las sábanas, de algodón suave. Todas las habitaciones tienen su propio cuarto de baño. El cuarto, de matrimonio, tiene una puerta que lo comunica con el quinto, individual. La reforma también ha añadido más comodidad y lujo a los cuartos de baño, con toalleros calefactados.

Las zonas exteriores ofrecen amplitud e incluyen la terraza principal con vistas al valle, al bonito huerto de naranjos y olivos que hay debajo, el patio trasero y el cenador, y especialmente el relajante jardín de la piscina. Los escalones del jardín conducen a la piscina con césped para tomar el sol, una ducha junto a la piscina y paredes de mosaico artístico; este es un lugar privado y comprensiblemente favorito.

La piscina de agua salada con monitor de PH y su zona ajardinada tienen una puerta, pero hay huecos en el seto, por lo que no consideramos que el perímetro sea a prueba de niños pequeños.

En la parte trasera hay otra casa que pertenece a los mismos propietarios, y su apartamento (si está ocupado por ellos) no compromete su privacidad. La distribución está pensada para que tengas privacidad. Pepa, la encargada de atender a los inquilinos, normalmente puede proporcionar catering. Su cocina ha sido muy elogiada por los huéspedes anteriores para los que ha preparado comidas.

Pepa es muy buena en paellas de marisco y platos típicos granadinos. Ella compra los ingredientes y cocina la comida. Si se reserva con antelación, también se puede ofrecer una comida a la llegada. Los huéspedes anteriores de nuevo han escrito excelentes comentarios sobre este servicio.

Por lo demás, el pueblo está a 5 minutos a pie. Tiene tiendas esenciales y un par de bares-restaurantes (al menos en 2023!).

Albuñuelas es muy tranquilo excepto el 15 de agosto y el fin de semana más próximo cuando el pueblo celebra su fiesta anual. Esto se puede escuchar desde la villa, por lo que si usted requiere completa paz y tranquilidad debe evitar estas fechas.

Otros pueblos cercanos en el valle, unidos por caminos rurales, proporcionan oportunidades más emocionantes para probar la genuina cocina granadina, y estás a sólo 30 minutos de grandes superficies si quieres hacer una compra importante.

El entorno del valle es una de las principales fuentes de naranjas para Granada y se pueden ver naranjos, limoneros y almendros por todas partes. Es un campo cálido y fértil, donde los lugareños tienden a tomar las cosas con calma.

Esta propiedad tiene un huerto con naranjas, limones, granadas, caquis, tomates, calabacines, pimientos y almendros. Los huéspedes pueden servirse y enriquecer su cocina con frutas y verduras de cultivo ecológico según la temporada.

Los visitantes también aprecian su estratégica ubicación: está a unos 40 minutos de la costa y a 30 minutos de la vibrante Granada. También se puede visitar fácilmente Lanjarón, pueblo balneario y puerta de entrada a Las Alpujarras.

+ Descripción completa


Copyright © Rustical Travel. All rights protected. + Mostrar las 56 Fotos



Valle semi-tropical entre Granada y la costa. Región del valle de Lecrín.


A 300 metros del pueblo de Albuñuelas (bares, restaurantes, tiendas). Acceso por rampa desde el pueblo mediante una pista muy corta.

Albuñuelas 5 min a pie
Costa tropical 40 min
Granada 40 min
Sierra Nevada 50 min
Estación de esquí
airport Aeropuertos cercanos
Granada (GRX) 45 min
Málaga (AGP) 1 h 45 min
Almería (LEI) 2 h


Rustical Travel cobra en Euros. IVA incluido. No hay cargos adicionales a tarjetas.

DesdehastaPrecio por semana
07 Ene 202407/01/2024 22 Mar 202422/03/2024
23 Mar 202423/03/2024 28 Jun 202428/06/2024
29 Jun 202429/06/2024 30 Ago 202430/08/2024
31 Ago 202431/08/2024 15 Dic 202415/12/2024
16 Dic 202416/12/2024 06 Ene 202506/01/2025
DesdehastaPrecio por semana
07 Ene 202507/01/2025 11 Abr 202511/04/2025
12 Abr 202512/04/2025 28 Jun 202528/06/2025
29 Jun 202529/06/2025 30 Ago 202530/08/2025
31 Ago 202531/08/2025 15 Dic 202515/12/2025
16 Dic 202516/12/2025 06 Ene 202606/01/2026

Booking information for AP40

  • La piscina está abierta desde principios de abril hasta finales de octubre.

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 16:30h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

  • Esta propiedad requiere una fianza reembolsable de 300 Euros. Esta cantidad se debe de depositar al encargado a su llegada (metálico) y está sujeta a deducciones por roturas / daños, impagos de servicios (cuando aplique) o limpieza excepcional.

Changeover day AP40

  • El día de la semana para el comienzo de las reservas es flexible.

+ Información esencial para reservar AP40

Booking information for AP40

  • La piscina está abierta desde principios de abril hasta finales de octubre.

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 16:30h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

  • Esta propiedad requiere una fianza reembolsable de 300 Euros. Esta cantidad se debe de depositar al encargado a su llegada (metálico) y está sujeta a deducciones por roturas / daños, impagos de servicios (cuando aplique) o limpieza excepcional.

Changeover day AP40

  • El día de la semana para el comienzo de las reservas es flexible.

+ Información esencial para reservar AP40


NO disponible
Fechas por confirmar

























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Traducir reseñas al español
Andrew Paul | August | 2024

The service of the team at Rustical was excellent. The villa was lovely, great setting, with perfect hosts."

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Jodee | October | 2023

Stunning property. Fantastic hosts. We love to cook and it's a very well stocked kitchen plus we were able to harvest from the garden and orchard. The views are incredible. The pool lovely. The rooms absolutely charming. The villa was roomy enough for members our party of 7 adults to have private time when desired. The patio dining options perfect. Baker from the town delivered yummy bread and pastries to the gate at least twice during our one week stay. The hosts provided excellent recommendations on tours even for our stays prior to (Cordoba) and after our stay (Madrid) at their villa!"

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Sarah | August | 2023

We had a fantastic two weeks at El Pino! The house was lovely, the gardens surrounding it beautiful, the pool perfect - all dominated by the stunning pine tree, which provides shelter during the hottest hours of the day but also changes it’s appearance as the light changes throughout the day into evening. The views across the valley are fabulous. We loved Albuñuelas enjoyed getting in to the rhythms of town life - for example, learning when the baker and the fish van arrived behind the house getting to know all the local dogs! This sense that we were involved in town life was down to Pepa. She was so patient with me my poor Spanish. She told us what was happening in town, told us when the baker arrived and cooked us three fabulous meals! She was just brilliant. We were there for fiesta which was fantastic! There was so much going on the final day parading Mary through town was very moving. We were prepared for the fireworks but were relieved when they stopped. They are loud and are set off at various points throughout the day. It’s just all part of fiesta but if you don’t like loud noises, avoid those few days! We were there during a heatwave but again we knew what to expect so it was fine. We avoided Granada on the two hottest days read books under the pine and tried not to move too much. There were 5 of us which seems like the perfect number for the house, although obviously it can fit more. Maria Jose Christian provided us with tons of recommendations. We went on a few, not too demanding walks locally some fun restaurants a short drive away. We went to the Alhambra Palace as early as possible one morning. We loved Granada generally - unpretentious easy to walk around (terrible to drive around so park up as soon as you can and walk!). Thank you! We will be back!"

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Marie-Louise | September | 2022

A beautiful house with a breathtaking view, lovely pool area and lots of space for a large group of people. It was perfect for the warm weather of September - eating and lounging outside was the way to go, even late into the evenings. A really lovely place and Pepa, the housekeeper, was a real treasure. I wonder, however, how the living space inside would cope with upwards of 6 people (we were 8) if the weather were cool or inclement, because there only seemed to be 'lounge' seating, comfortably, for maybe 5-6 at the most - and the same goes for the dining table. If you want to self-cater - and we did, although the wonderful Pepa will do it for you - there are simply no saucepans big enough to cook for 8. It was frustrating cooking pasta in 2 rounds, for example, and we couldn't try anything more ambitious. However, these are small niggles - fabulous place, seamless check-in and pre-visit service and communication. I'd go back in a heart beat (though I might take a large saucepan and a few other kitchen bits and bobs with me). :-)"

Rustical Update

Further to our conversations with the property manager / owner, she told us that the housekeeper is there to help and provide any additional item that may be required. She thought that what they leave in the kitchen is enough but they are always eager to improve and provide whatever is needed straight away. There is a dining table in the dining room which is 2 metre long but can be extended to 3 or 4 metres. Pepa, the housekeeper is always very keen to assist guests.  

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Andrew | August | 2022

Fabulous,elevated,peaceful characterful property. Complete with everything.overlooking stunning town in beautiful valley. Highly highly recommend a stay. Excellent!!!"

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Melanie | July | 2022

A unique property with stunning views. Expertly cared for by the indefatigable Pepa. Peaceful and calm. Comfortable, clean and within easy reach of Granada and the coast. Just loved the Aleppo Pine. It's ancient and certain it could tell some stories. Good walks, lazy days, a million books and a lot of laughter over long lunches and dinners. The perfect place to recharge and relax after a couple of strange years. Lots of different places to sit and just be. Rustical Travel were, as ever, professional and responsive."

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Damian | July | 2019

Fabulous house. Beautiful setting. Incredible views. We were looking for somewhere to have a quiet, relaxing family holiday (parents and adult children). The house was great, pool is good (if a little small). The pine tree outside the front of the house provides shade all day if you want it. I read a book a day and drank a lot of wine. The housekeeper, Pepa, was discreet and very good. She cooked for us on two of the evenings we were there. The setting is exceptionally calm. We heard the chiming of the clock tower from the local church and the babble of a few children's voices rising from the village below as they came out into the cooler evenings. Apart from that, it was silent. Two weeks wasn't long enough!!"

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Hilary | April | 2019

we loved the villa, the surrounding countryside, the outdoor patios and gardens and surrounding organge and olive and almond groves. the hikes were beautiful across the river and over the bluffs. Pepa was incredibly welcoming and helpful and best of all, she is an extraordinary cook. we ate like kings and queens, local recipes and even adjusted to fit some of our vegan diets. healthy, fresh, beautiful, delicious and nutritious. thank you!!"

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Karen | September | 2018

The House was beautiful and in a great location, with spectacular viewsIt was lovely having the Housekeeper pop in every day. The baker called most days with fresh bread croissants.It was a very peaceful place.We didn't realise all the local restaurants would be closed in the 1st week of September?We wanted to invite friends over from Granada, but couldn't find anything open.The house has a lovely kitchen but there a huge Cabinet placed in the middle of the kitchen, it makes the kitchen small and cramped, it could be placed in the Dining Room?"

Rustical Update

Although we would love to, we cannot know the closing times during holidays of third parties such as restaurants or other establishments in the area.

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Gwyneth | May | 2016

A beautiful property with the most amazing terrace, overlooking the Lecrin Valley, perfect for breakfast or the evening aperitif. Pepa is lovely and can cook the most amazing meals, if required. Would definitely love to visit this property again."

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Patricia | August | 2015

We absolutely loved this place. It's in a stunning spot with spectacular views over the valley. A highlight was Pepa, who cooked for us on quite a few evenings, which made for a significantly more relaxing holiday. Her paella is amazing. We did have an issue with noise because we booked in the week of the Fiesta, which I think should really have been mentioned, since there was music blaring up for the valley until 5am for at least four of the ten nights. Another issue was that the house could do with air conditioning, or at least fans in August - at least for those nights when the music's blaring out!"

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Tom | August | 2015

Excellent holiday home for the big family. Fantastic location, excellent house keeper Peppa, Clean. The only part on the downside would be the fifth room (adjoining another room as a walk through). Panadero, fresh bread delivered every day. Can very easy recommend this house to other familys travelling in Sierra Nevada and Granada district."

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Wendy | July | 2015

Thank you for your email requesting feedback. Thank you so much for all your help prior to our arrival at the villa. Your suggestion of the restaurant to stop at on our way to the villa (inland with stunning views) was perfect, great food and service, and such a great start to our holiday :) We had to contact Peppa to let her know we were running late as the flight was slightly delayed and the queue at the airport for the pre-booked cars took much longer than we had anticpated. It was lovely to be so warmly greeted by Peppa upon arrival. The villa looks so picturesque and inviting. The robes, slippers and pool towels advertised as being available do all need to be requested from Peppa upon arrival, as they were all stored in a locked room. We booked an evening meal of paella (as suggested Peppa), which was fanstastic, a real treat! And we got a lovely dessert too. Be good to update the website that it was €12 per head and not the €10 per head as currently advertised. We all loved the view from the terrace, absolutely stunning and we spent most of our daytimes there and in the pool (poolside could do with more shade). The back garden dining area was also really special and where we had our evening meals. Peppa's daily visit to cover chores was very much appreciated (she missed one day as she had a doctors appointment). Unfortunately we didn't cope very well with the summertime heat in the bedrooms during the night-time. We have made it a learning point to not book a summer villa in Spain without aircon upstairs, as we all struggled to sleep. We did know there wasn't aircon but we hadn't been to a villa before without aircon and hadn't realised how much the property heats up during the day. There were fans in two of the bedrooms. We asked Peppa for more and she provided one more on Tuesday so we purchased (and left there) an additional fan. We followed Peppa's advice of keeping the shutters closed during the day but nothing seemed to make a difference We coul only find a bar / restaurant down in the main part of the town which was more than 5-10 mins walk (we explored the area behind us but couldn't find anything there). The town (square) was really relaxed and it felt great to be amongst local people (playing dominos) and families, rather than other tourists. Wonderful coffee and tapas served there. We also enjoyed the chimes of the town clocktower. The highlight of our week was the visit to the Alhambra palace and gardens. It was only a short drive and was thoroughly enjoyed by all of us. I hope this feedback is useful."

Rustical Update

At the time of this reservation the local temperatures were the hottest ever recorded. The information regarding the catering was also updated.

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Alexia | August | 2014

The house in Abuenlas is lovely. Many thanks "

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Sarah | July | 2014

We had a great holiday at this villa in July, the house was very comfortable and the views from the terrace were amazing. We were made to feel very welcome by the owners and by the housekeeper, who also cooked a lovely paella for us one evening! Having fresh bread (and delicious croissants) delivered every morning was a big bonus. However, we were a bit disappointed that there were only four sunbeds round the pool (and they were not in the best condition) which meant that there were not enough for everyone and there was no spare sun umbrella for extra shade. We were also concerned as we specifically booked this villa as it was advertised as having a gated pool area, but the gate was very overgrown with ivy and therefore impossible to lock effectively which, combined with the big holes in the hedge, meant that the pool area wasn't very secure and we couldn't feel relaxed that our two year old would be safe. Overall, we thought it was a beautiful villa in a lovely setting but it needed some newer pool and patio furniture."

Rustical Update

We have now modified the property page content to reflect that the pool is not toddler-friendly, as there are gaps in the perimeter. The owner is aware that the pool and patio furniture needs to be improved.


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