Casa aislada a diez minutos a pie de un pueblo, vistas inmejorables

Picos de Europa, Asturias, Norte de España Property Ref: AT19
  • Doors
    2 Habitaciones
  • Sleeps
    Huéspedes 4
  • Casa Ref: AT19

En un entorno glorioso de Piloña, con posibilidad de organizar actividades locales, practicar senderismo y visitar playas de la costa de los dinosaurios, este alojamiento es un opción clásica de turismo rural.. Se puede ir a pie a restaurantes desde la casa. Capacidad 4 personas.

Booking information for AT19

  • El acceso a la propiedad es por una calle angosta, recomendada para coches normales (no deportivos o de chasis bajo) pequeños o medianos.

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 16:00h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

  • Se pueden admitir mascotas bajo previa consulta, en cuyo caso aplican costes adicionales. Condiciones restrictivas pueden aplicar, por favor consúltenos antes.

Changeover day AT19

  • El día de cambio tiene cierta flexibilidad, siempre que no se dejen huecos indeseables entre las reservas en temporada alta.

+ Información esencial para reservar AT19

Booking information for AT19

  • El acceso a la propiedad es por una calle angosta, recomendada para coches normales (no deportivos o de chasis bajo) pequeños o medianos.

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 16:00h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

  • Se pueden admitir mascotas bajo previa consulta, en cuyo caso aplican costes adicionales. Condiciones restrictivas pueden aplicar, por favor consúltenos antes.

Changeover day AT19

  • El día de cambio tiene cierta flexibilidad, siempre que no se dejen huecos indeseables entre las reservas en temporada alta.

+ Información esencial para reservar AT19
Desde €141 por noche
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  • Prices are shown in the selected currency, but all payments are charged and processed in Euros
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Adultos (16+ años)
Niños (3-15 años)
Bebés (0-2 años)
Los niños deben venir con un adulto
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Casa Ref. AT19

Picos de Europa, Asturias, Norte de España

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En un entorno glorioso de Piloña, con posibilidad de organizar actividades locales, practicar senderismo y visitar playas de la costa de los dinosaurios, este alojamiento es un opción clásica de turismo rural.. Se puede ir a pie a restaurantes desde la casa. Capacidad 4 personas.


  • Bedrooms
    2 Habitaciones
  • Bathroom
    2.5 Baño(s)
  • Beds
    Huéspedes 4

WiFi Internet; TV y DVD; Mobiliario de jardín sencillo; Barbacoa.

Frigorífico con congelador; Vitrocerámica de 4 fuegos y horno; Microondas; Hervidor; Cafetera; Tostadora; Exprimidor; Licuadora.

Lavadora; Plancha y tabla de planchar; Chimenea; Calefacción central; Secador de pelo; Cuna bajo petición; Toda la ropa de cama y toallas proporcionadas (excepto toallas de playa); Aparcamiento privado.


La gerente del alojamiento siempre puede ser contactada para actividades, consejos y asistencia.


Planta baja
Salón-comedor de espacio abierto; Cocina; Cuarto de servicio con WC.

Primera planta
Dormitorio 1: camas individuales (las camas se pueden juntar) con cuarto de baño completo (ducha sobre la bañera, WC y bidet); Dormitorio 2: camas individuales (las camas se pueden juntar) con cuarto de baño completo (ducha sobre la bañera, WC y bidet); Galería de madera abierta y amueblada.

Zona de porche amueblada de forma sencilla; Jardines con césped.

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Piloña es una de nuestras zonas favoritas de Asturias. Es auténtica y muy pintoresca, una gozada para explorar verdes montañas y, por sinuosos caminos rurales, encontrarse con aldeas construidas en piedra. Es como si hubieras regresado a la antigua vida rural, con una población dispersa y respirando un ambiente de gran serenidad.

Todo está alcance de la mano: el parque natural de la Sierra del Sueve, inmensas playas de arena y no muy lejos los magníficos Picos de Europa.

Esta propiedad rural independiente se encuentra en una vasta finca de más de 600 acres con vistas maravillosas y un balcón en el primer piso desde donde disfrutarlas. Goza de gran privacidad y cuenta con un administrador disponible a tiempo completo (tiene una oficina en el pueblo cercano de Sevares, donde puede organizar actividades).

La vivienda tiene cien años de antigüedad. Está construida con piedra y madera, y pertenece a una alta categoría de casas rurales de vacaciones en Asturias, con un mobiliario sólido y macizo.

La casa tiene muchos asientos cómodos y espacio para comer para cuatro personas. La cocina es pequeña pero adecuada y tiene una ventana que da al jardín por lo que recibe mucha luz natural, lo que crea un ambiente acogedor.

Arriba, hay un pasillo con puertas a una galería de madera cómodamente amueblada y con vistas a Ponga, una hermosa zona fuera del circuito turístico del Principado que le recomendamos explorar así como los Picos de Europa, a menudo cubiertos de nieve.

En el exterior hay un porche con un banco y una mesa, y otro banco en el pequeño prado de enfrente con bonitas vistas.

Hay un jardín muy espacioso, rodeado por vallas de madera, con un viejo hórreo al que se accede por unos escalones. Aunque tomando algunas precauciones, es una propiedad segura para los niños.

En una caminata de 10 minutos se llega al pueblo de Sevares, donde pueden hacerse compras sencillas, comer en restaurantes y visitar al administrador de la propiedad, que puede indicarle la dirección correcta para instalaciones y actividades.

Estas incluyen equitación, piragüismo en el río Sella (adecuado también para niños a partir de 7 años), rutas guiadas, pesca (se requiere un permiso, que podemos ayudarle a obtener, así que pregúntenos con anticipación si planea pescar) y campo de golf en un hotel rural cercano, donde los clientes de Rustical Travel se benefician de tarifas especiales, así como un 10% de descuento en comidas en el espléndido restaurante del hotel.

Espinaredo y Miyares (justo al final de la carretera) son sitios maravillosos. Este último es uno de los mejores lugares para recoger setas en otoño. Podemos ponernos en contacto con la asociación de expertos locales si desea realizar una búsqueda guiada y conocer lo que no es comestible.

También sugerimos visitas a Ponga, el Desfiladero de los Beyos, Cangas de Onís, la histórica Covadonga, la tumba del Rey Pelayo y la puerta de entrada a los lagos glaciares.

Por la costa se llega a Ribadesella donde se puede disfrutar de playas de arena y a otros puntos destacados como los encantadores pueblos pesqueros de Tazones y Lastres.

La comida en esta zona es espléndida. El estofado de frijoles, la fabada, la sidra y el queso son especialidades locales por excelencia. Asturias es uno de los mejores destinos para disfrutar de una cocina casera saludable y deliciosa.

+ Descripción completa


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Colinas y verdes prados con el Parque Natural de Ponga como telón de fondo.


En un entorno privado, a 10 minutos a pie o 5 minutos en coche del pueblo de Sevares. El acceso final a la propiedad es a través de una calle estrecha, que se puede pasar pero con cuidado.

Sevares 10 min a pie
Río Piloña 20 min a pie
Palacio Rubianes 10 min
Golf, equitación
Infiesto 15 min
Todos los servicios
Cangas de Onis 20 min
Picos de Europa
Ribadesella 35 min
Lastres 45 min
Pueblo pesquero pintoresco
Tazones 55 min
Pueblo pesquero pintoresco
Gijon 1 h
Ciudad costera
airport Aeropuertos cercanos
Asturias (OVD) 1 h
Santander y Ferry 1 h 30 min


Rustical Travel cobra en Euros. IVA incluido. No hay cargos adicionales a tarjetas.

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Booking information for AT19

  • El acceso a la propiedad es por una calle angosta, recomendada para coches normales (no deportivos o de chasis bajo) pequeños o medianos.

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 16:00h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

  • Se pueden admitir mascotas bajo previa consulta, en cuyo caso aplican costes adicionales. Condiciones restrictivas pueden aplicar, por favor consúltenos antes.

Changeover day AT19

  • El día de cambio tiene cierta flexibilidad, siempre que no se dejen huecos indeseables entre las reservas en temporada alta.

+ Información esencial para reservar AT19

Booking information for AT19

  • El acceso a la propiedad es por una calle angosta, recomendada para coches normales (no deportivos o de chasis bajo) pequeños o medianos.

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 16:00h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

  • Se pueden admitir mascotas bajo previa consulta, en cuyo caso aplican costes adicionales. Condiciones restrictivas pueden aplicar, por favor consúltenos antes.

Changeover day AT19

  • El día de cambio tiene cierta flexibilidad, siempre que no se dejen huecos indeseables entre las reservas en temporada alta.

+ Información esencial para reservar AT19


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Traducir reseñas al español
Sandra | July | 2023

Really lovely house and garden in a beautiful area. Peaceful stay. Excellent information from Rustical Travel (as always) except directions to pick up key needs updating."

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Catherine | May | 2023

The property was nicely situated and mostly comfortable. However, we suffered total power loss for three nights due to a malfuntioning cooker which left us without lighting, heating or any power supply over two periods. It took time for the information that the power trip / reset switch was outside of the property."

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Adrian | July | 2022

Overall a good house in a nice location. I think it could do with updating, bigger television and better kitchen equipment. We could not find a chopping board, until noticing in on the floor covered in cobwebs. Basically needs money spent on it. Both showers leaked, one coming through the kitchen ceiling."

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Ana Belén | July | 2021

I had to pay for 7 night althogh I was in the House only 5 nights. I didn't like this.."

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Ian | August | 2019

Oh it was amazing! It was lovely, thank you very much. Especially the bench. And the BBQ. And the river at the bottom of the field. And the views. And the solitude. And the horse in the next field was good too, waiting for us each afternoon for a chat. And our own flock of buzzards. And the cute baby cows. Oh and the house was very nice too."

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Patricia | August | 2018

The house had a lovely garden and some charming features (like its horreo - which our kids loved -, balconied room, the green tiling in its bathrooms and the green wardrobe in one of the bedrooms). However, the indoor furnishings were generally rather old and old-fashioned (there wasn't a single really comfortable chair) and I felt that the house had either been rented to a heavy-smoker recently or one used to live there - there was an underlying smell of smoke (my husband just thought this was because the furnishings were old). We saw a mouse on the first night (but it is in the country). As a suggestion, it would be great if there was some comfy outdoor furniture - a couple of sunloungers, deckchairs or hammocks perhaps? The keyholder Violeta was very nice and could not have been more helpful. My husband and I found the beds and single pillows uncomfortable and when we called after three bad nights sleep to ask if there was anything she might do she came immediately to change them. We wished we had said something after the first night. (Still, I do feel a double bed and modern mattress would make the house more desirable). We found the local guide from Rustical Travel extremely helpful. To add to it, we also had a really great meal at Meson Viizcares in Espinaredo, where we found the proprietor and the chef absolutely charming, and had lovely swimming at La Pescana. On the coast, we also thought that the beach cafe at Cueva Del Mar (though not cheap) did really wonderful modern food, quite different from anything else we had in Asturias, and had a cool ambiance. A couple of things that we didn't find in your guide that we would love to your recommendations are: The Bear Trail (which you can walk or cycle down), and the bear sanctuary at Proaza. Proaza is also a charming town which seemed to have several decent eateries - we enjoyed one of our best meals in Asturias in the elegant sanctuary of the garden of La Senderuela hotel, where again they were really welcoming to our sons and tolerant of my Spanish. One of our favourite family days out (and the one our boys have talked about the most since) was when we walked up the River Dobre from Santianes Del Torin, near Cangas De Onis, to the natural swimming pool at Olla De San Vicente. The pool is spectacular, the scenery stunning and jumping off the rocks a total thrill. We went on a Sunday and it was quite busy, though still totally worth it, but we'd probably recommend trying to go duing the week to avoid the crowds. The town of Sevares itself (which was our nearer town) seems a rather sad, depressed, depressing place. The hotel next to our rental place's office had been burnt out and when we went to the nearest restaurnt - La Rocca - we felt the staff were incredibly unfriendly to us - and though it said in your guide or the rental agency's that they had an English menu they certainly didn't offer one and we struggled to get anyone's attention."

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Rob | June | 2016

I've already been corresponding with Javier and given him feedback, but to summarise what I've said, I'll set out a brief review below: We loved the peace and quiet of the house and the wonderful views of the Pilona valley, and enjoyed having horses and cattle as neighbours! The lanes leading to the house were narrower than we had expected and we unfortunately damaged our car on some hidden rocks which were covered by vegetation. We wouldn't recommend anyone to take a car larger than a VW Golf there, unless you have a vehicle with high ground clearance We enjoyed taking the FEVE train from Sevares station, which is cheap and punctual, and passes through some beautiful countryside and we also found many restaurants which served wonderful food, especially the menu del dia, at remarkably low prices, usually no more than €11 (and that included wine or cider!). The closest restaurant to the casa, La Roca, has a very comprehensive menu for the evening and service is both efficient and friendly The scenery around the Picos, especially the views from the winding narrow road to the lakes South of Coverings, was breathtaking even though partially obscured by cloud and mist when we went. There are so many places to explore that even when it rained we didn't get bored, and the Sunday market as Canga d'Onis is great fun with lots of local cheeses on offer (and you can sample them first) Violeta and her assistant were extremely helpful and friendly and our thanks to them for their help and advice, it was much appreciated And lastly, thanks to Rustical Travel, who supplied so much helpful information about both the casa and places of interest. One tip for the future though - can you include directions of how to get back to the ferry in Bilbao, as it isn't well signposted and we, as well as others, got completely lost as a result! But it didn't spoil our holiday and we would certainly use your company again and would have no hesitation in recommending them to others. Well done!"

Rustical Update

In September 2016 we were informed that the access to the house was broadened and the biggest rocks were removed from the track. It is still somewhat narrow, but it is now easier to pass through it.

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Kim | June | 2016

We were very pleased with the service we received from your company, you were very efficient and helpful. We have already recommended you to friends. The keyholder was excellent, so kind and helpful to us. We liked the cottage, the location was beautiful and we appreciated the log burner (sadly the weather was variable ). My only criticism of the cottage was that the sofas were not very comfortable and my husband kept falling through the seat! Many thanks to you all.

Rustical Update

The caretaker of the villa has been informed of the problem with the sofas and has confirmed us that she will take a look at them to see if they need replacing.

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Sriram | August | 2015

We had a wonderful stay at the property. It was quiet and secluded - with cows and horses across the fence - but also within easy walking distance to Sevares. The cottage was basic but well-supplied with essentials. The staff at the office were all extremely cheerful, pleasant and helpful, especially Violetta. We also enjoyed the classy lunch for €20 pp at hotel Palacio de Rubianes, which is about an hour and a half walk away. Others have mentioned the tricky road track to the house. Yes, it requires concentration, but manageable after a few trips. The property would benefit from wi-fi though."

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Elaine | July | 2015

We loved theproperty and the surrounding area. Simple but comfortable accommodation, we had everything we needed for a relaxing holiday. Short walk into the village and good hearty food at the little bar/restaurant. The road to the cottage is extremely narrow in places, we were very glad of a very small car! The area around Sevares is beautiful, and this is a great location for exploring Asturias. Violetta was also very helpful. Highly recommended!"

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Janis | August | 2014

this a beautiful cottage, very clean, and with lovely views over the valley. it exceeded my expectations. A very narrow track leads up to it, and you wouldn't want to have a large car to negotiate it! The office staff who have the keys were unfailingly polite and helpful, organising horse riding, letting us use their internet, and informing us of various local activities. The horseriding was fun, a good way of seeing the countryside, good horses and friendly guides. I would recommend this cottage, and others nearby managed by the same team."

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Catherine | July | 2014

Beautiful holiday home away from it all. The view on arriving is spectacular, even better than the photos which is amazing. Pack some warm clothes it can be cold at night! kitchen is basic but perfectly adequate for cooking meals... We ate in most nights. The narrow path in is a little precarious!"

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Ian | June | 2014

We had a fabulous holiday. From the first contact everyone was most helpful, even rearranging another customer's accommodation so we could begin our holiday on our chosen date. The meet and greet was excellent. The property itself was way beyond our expectations. We loved it, and so did our spaniel named Madoc. The information pack was excellent, and we enjoyed the evenings around the wood burning stove so much we didn't get to use the TV. The estate workers were very friendly and helpful, and always smiled as we tried out our tourist Spanish. The vet in Infiesta recommended at the office was excellent and spoke English and we were able to have our dog wormed as necessary to return to the UK. In short we had a wonderful time, and we hope to return again to the same property again next year. This time we will have 2 dogs. Many thanks and best wishes to you all."

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Wendy | May | 2014

Just wanted to drop you a line to say thank-you, the property was amazing and the area breathtaking. Just as your website states. One comment to make, and a note to ourselves was the cottage was very rural and, getting a large touring motorbike down the lane was not easy, heart in mouth moments! Many thanks again to you and the team, will not hesitate in recommending the site."

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Alison | August | 2013

The property was in a lovely location, beside fields of horses and cows - we really felt we were getting away from it all. The house was comfortable. We did feel a bit nervous of driving along the narrow road, but we managed it without mishap during the week"

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Rebecca | August | 2013

Lovely place to stay. The kitchen is a bit basic but cottage has a lot of rustic charm - answer is to eat out! The drive to property is a bit narrow and painstaking but since its not far from main road it feels accessible. Being able to walk down to the village is nice. Office in the village was great and staff very helpful. It was good to have internet access too. If you like peace and quiet and country views and horses I would reccommend it."

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Ian | June | 2013

Just a quick note to say thank you for arranging our wonderful holiday in AT19. We had a fabulous time. The accommodation and its situation greatly exceeded our expectations. We are particularly grateful for you arranging for us to have the whole of our holiday in the Casa, after you'd made alternative arrangements for peeps who were weekending there. Violetta was excellent. On the couple of occasions we had problems she solved them quickly and without any fuss. We enjoyed our holiday so much we are thinking we may like to rent the property again next year, if you'll have us. In the meantime once again many thanks. "

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